Right now, life as we know it has changed and no one can say for certain what impact this change will have on our future. Trying to keep a positive attitude for our children is so tough, especially when we don’t know the certainty of what is going on and all we want to do is protect them from this surreal outside world at the moment.
Then of course with the schools closed we have that added pressure of home schooling! I think it is so important to support each other and be honest too. It’s ok if the iPad is being used a little more than you thought it would be or you have days where your timetable gets scrapped. We need to be kind to ourselves and take each day as it comes, remove that pressure we will naturally apply & reach out if we need some support.
Having restrictions put into your daily life is a scary prospect, but something we all need to abide by. It is so important. Having time each day to get out and exercise is critical, not only for your physical health, but your mental health too! Spring is here, so lighter nights are around the corner & hopefully more sunshine which makes it more pleasant to go for a walk (keeping to the social distancing guidelines!) Children also need stimulation (after an hour or two on that iPad I mentioned) and having the ability to take them outside for some fresh air and stretch those legs, is priceless in these circumstances. Something I think, we will all have a different appreciation of when this is all over!
I have two children Emilie, who is three and Rufus who recently turned one. Going for a walk can be a bit of a challenge on my own, as you need those hands free for the pram as well as my active three-year-old!
That's why having the Nuby 3 in 1 Carrier has been a godsend! We are very lucky as we live right next to fields so have lots of open space to explore. However a pram just wouldn’t be suitable or practical on this terrain. The max weight in the carrier is 15kg so I am still able to put Rufus in it, forward facing. He loves being close to me for that added comfort and security but also able to have a nosey at the world and what his big sister is up too! Watching his little face light up whilst seeing all new environments and wildlife; is amazing and the perfect distraction for us!

Being forward facing means there are no restrictions, he can use his hands freely in order to reach out and explore different textures! In times like this, it is essential to REALLY stop and smell those roses.
Having one less thing to stress about in times like this, really has been our saviour, now more then ever! I’m able to hold my toddlers’ hand and carry my 1 year old easy, safely and comfortably, without any troubles or worries.
He is safe. He is secure, even over some rocky and slippy terrain (we have tested it a lot!) Please make sure you get out safely in the sunshine! Enjoy this time with your kids. Let’s look for all of the positives and don’t let anything stop you or get in your way, Stay safe. Keep your distance. Follow government guidelines and most importantly.... keep smiling… it will all pass and we will get through it together.
Author - Olivia Hopkins, Mother of Emilie and Rufus @emilie_and_rufus