It’s totally natural to feel daunted about going out with a new baby in tow. For starters, it’s not been easy to make plans during the pandemic. Now that restrictions are easing and summer is on the way, there are more options to head out or meet up with family and friends.
But what do you take with you? What was once an easy trip out might now feel like a big undertaking. New babies can be unpredictable, so don’t let one bad experience put you off – we promise you, it gets easier.
Our advice is to take it a step at a time. We’ve put together some practical tips to help you venture out with your little one.
Don’t put any pressure on yourself – take it from us, you’re doing amazing!
When can I take my new baby out?
There’s no set timescale on when to take your newborn baby out, but if you’re unsure about anything, have a chat with your midwife.
In the early days, it’s more to do with when you feel ready. Getting out in nature and enjoying some fresh air is good for both of you – and it might be a nice change of scenery!
Keep an eye on the weather and dress your little one accordingly, so they don’t get too warm or cold. In the summer, try to avoid the hottest part of the day and keep baby shaded from the sun. When it’s cold, the general rule of thumb is to dress your baby in one more layer of clothing than you would wear in the same conditions. Check baby’s temperature to make sure your little one isn’t too hot or cold.

Where should I go with my newborn?
Even nipping to the shops can feel a bit overwhelming at first, so don’t put pressure on yourself to do too much.
It’s been quite isolating for lots of new parents during the pandemic, but things are opening up again and there are groups you can join, or you could go swimming and meet with friends and family.
Often new mums and dads say they like to keep it local at first, go for walks or to the park. If you’ve got the pram, you might want to stick to places that are more manageable and don’t have lots of stairs to maneuver. Also, think about what you feel comfortable with, for example breastfeeding in public – while totally fine – might feel strange at first. It’s a good idea to look for places where there are facilities nearby, for example, changing facilities or somewhere family-friendly you can re-fuel. One mum told us she loves to pop to a department store just to get out, as there’s plenty on hand if you need it.
If there’s a day you don’t feel like doing much, don’t feel like you have to go anywhere. If it’s nice, you could spend some time in the garden or just take it easy and get used to your new routine.

What do I take with me when taking baby out?
“I used to get worried about going out, I always felt like I’d leave the house without something essential.”
That’s what one mum told us, so you’re not alone if you feel like that. Sometimes people like to make a list and keep a bag there so it’s ready when you need it. You’ll soon find that packing your baby bag becomes a routine like anything, and you’ll know exactly what you need to take with you.
At Nuby – we have you covered!
Having one easy-to-access bag makes life with a little one a bit easier. Our Baby Changing Bag comes in a trendy grey colour and has multiple pockets, with a changing mat for on-the-go changing.
In your bag, you’ll need to think about bringing nappies with you, cotton wool, wipes, baby skin cream, and a change of clothes or two, to be on the safe side. Muslin cloths will always come in handy for feeding. Clean breast pads are helpful if you’re breastfeeding.
If you are bottle feeding, make sure you bring your sterilised bottles, flask of boiled water and formula mix. Our Portable UV Steriliser is a fantastic product for sterilising baby bottles and accessories on-the-go and works in just three minutes, so it’s super handy to have with you.
A must-have for getting out and about with your baby is our RapidCool™ Portable Baby Bottle Maker.
It safely cools boiling water to the recommended temperature for formula feed, in just minutes, so it is perfect for preparing formula feeds on the go. Unlike most bottle making machines, the RapidCool easily fits into most changing bags and no power supply is needed.
Having a baby carrier can really help too, especially if you want to keep baby close and comfortable. Our stylish 3-in-1 Convertible Newborn Carrier is ideal for taking your first trips out. You can hold your little one in three different positions and it is adjustable as baby grows.
Other things to think about: dummies or comforters, if you’re using them to settle baby; medical supplies (just in case); snacks for yourself; you might find that you get hungry and thirsty if you’re breastfeeding, so it’s a good idea to bring a drink of water with you.
Depending on the age of your child, some distractions such as toys and books can be handy (if there’s room in your bag). Don’t forget the essentials – a charged mobile phone, your house/car keys and trusty hand sanitiser.
It also depends on the length of time you’re going to be out, so you might want to think about a few extra things if you’re heading out for more than an hour or so.

Top tips to help you when you’re heading out with new baby
- Make sure you’ve got everything prepared before you head out.
- Keep it to the essentials and don’t worry about trying to cram absolutely everything in. Have a plan of action, just in case you forget anything. (You can often pick up things if you need them while out.)
- If you’re breastfeeding in public, be prepared that it can take a bit of getting used to, so you might want something to cover up with and make you feel more comfortable.
- Decide on your mode of transport that you feel comfortable with – pram, sling or car – as it often depends on how baby responds and how far afield you feel able to go.
- Keep it small to start with – go to the park, for a walk, meet a friend – don’t try and do too much at first.
- Remember something to cover baby to protect them from the sun – for example, sun hat or shade in the pram.
- If you do go out and it isn’t the best experience, don’t let it stop you from trying again – it always gets easier. There will be good times and harder times, so go with the knowledge that even if it’s tough on occasions, it’s a good thing to try different experiences.
- Only go places if you have energy to do it, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t feel up to it.
- When you get into a routine – when you know they’re likely to feed, sleep, wake – it gets much easier to plan your trips out.
- Try to time your trips when baby is content, so that they can nap and have a more enjoyable experience all round. This will all come when you find your routine.
- Bring someone along with you such as a partner, family member or friend, so you’re not on your own.
Visit our travel page for more ideas and inspiration on getting out and about with your baby.