My baby is growing up, and growing up fast it seems. Once the baby stage has gone all of the new stages seem to come along quickly! Penny is talking a lot more, copying everything & she’s into everything too!
When it comes to our babies and their health & well-being it can be so tough as a parent to worry that we are doing everything right, can’t it?
One of the main things I try to maintain for Penny is keeping her hydrated. Toddlers can be so full on & so full of energy, she literally never stops so making sure she’s hydrated is very important to me. Being the diva she is she won’t just drink out of any water bottle! So when I found the new Nuby Super Slurp Cups I was sold as Penny absolutely loves the cute rainbow and bunny design on it!
Penny is only a little dot so I tend to make sure she drinks a full bottle each day. There are some days she has more & others a little less but the Super Slurp Water Bottle is a perfect way to ensure I know how much she is drinking.

When little ones are poorly the first thing you are asked is, 'Are they drinking?' and 'Do they have wet nappies?' So keeping an eye on this as normal day to day makes things easier.
When Penny turned about 1 year old we started to fully transition her from a bottle to a cup during the day she does still have one bottle of milk before bed but that’s it and as a Mum I’m more than happy with that as it’s part of her bedtime routine and she’ll drop it when she’s ready.
I always say don’t force them into anything as they do it when they are ready and every child is different. She has the cup with her all day every day! It is perfect for trips out, visits to grandmas, a walk in the Lake District.. absolutely everywhere and it fits perfectly in the changing bag too.
The transition for us as a family when moving her to a cup seemed to be a smooth one. We offered Penny a cup once we started weaning and tried lots of different spouts to ensure she didn’t end up fussy (that definitely didn’t work!) but it did mean when we wanted to completely cut bottles and swap to a cup then a spout wasn't so strange to her. She was quite willing & excited to have a grown up 'big girls' cup and be like us.
At this time of year little ones can pick up so many coughs and colds especially when they start Nursery or Playgroup & they can often go off their food if feeling unwell. Penny seems to pick up everything but as long as she’s drinking & staying hydrated, I know not to worry.

If you’d like to see more of our life with two under two please head over to my Instagram @jesslifeasweknowit