Meet the team...

Discover how to feed with speed

Title 1

Sterilise your RapidCool in 1 minute. There's no time to delay when baby is hungry.
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Title 2

Say goodbye to kettle watching and hello to fast formula feeding.
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Title 3

It's time to chill. Cool formula milk down to the perfect temperature in 2 mins*.
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So you asked 'how to sterilise Nuby RapidCool?' Meet the RapidSterilise, the hero your Nuby RapidCool deserves.

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Kills 99.9% of bacteria

in just 1 minuite

Up to 70 uses per charge

because we know parenting doesn't pause.

Auto shut-off

simple, safe and smart.


So you asked 'how to sterilise Nuby RapidCool?' Meet the RapidSterilise, the hero your Nuby RapidCool deserves.

Shop now

Kills 99.9% of bacteria

in just 1 minuite

Up to 70 uses per charge

because we know parenting doesn't pause.

Auto shut-off

simple, safe and smart.


Watching a kettle boil isn't remotely quick and with a hungry baby crying it's even more intense. Enter RapidHot, the parenting assistant you've been waiting for.

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Instant filtered boiling water

fast and safe to NHS guidelines

Memory magic

remembering your last feed size

Works with RapidCool

for milk to mouth in 2 minutes*


Watching a kettle boil isn't remotely quick and with a hungry baby crying it's even more intense. Enter RapidHot, the parenting assistant you've been waiting for.

Shop now

Instant filtered boiling water

fast and safe to NHS guidelines

Memory magic

remembering your last feed size

Works with RapidCool

for milk to mouth in 2 minutes*


Introducing the portable solution for making a formula feed that's not only quick, convenient and hygienic - but also to NHS guidelines. 

Shop now

Cools formula in 2 mins*

from boiling to the perfect temperature.

Travel friendly

fits in the change bag & no power supply is needed.

Without a sound

perfect for both day and night feeds.


Introducing the portable solution for making a formula feed that's not only quick, convenient and hygienic - but also to NHS guidelines. 

Shop now

Cools formula in 2 mins*

from boiling to the perfect temperature.

Travel friendly

fits in the change bag & no power supply is needed.

Without a sound

perfect for both day and night feeds.


When the clock is ticking, and let’s face it, it's always ticking when it comes to hungry babies, you’re going to need all the help you can get when it comes to feeding time. In fact, what you’re really going to need is a whole team behind you.  
RapidSterilise Baby Bottle Maker Steriliser
RapidHot Formula Preparation Machine White
RapidCool™ Portable Formula Feed Maker

Meet the RapidTeam

When the clock is ticking, and let’s face it, it's always ticking when it comes to hungry babies, you’re going to need all the help you can get when it comes to formula feeding time. In fact, what you’re really, really, really going to need is a whole team behind you. Well, hold the front and back door, because that’s exactly what we have for you. Everything you need (and then some) all in one super-speedy place Behold, the RapidTeam....

When the clock is ticking, and let’s face it, it's always ticking when it comes to hungry babies, you’re going to need all the help you can get when it comes to formula feeding time. In fact, what you’re really, really, really going to need is a whole team behind you.

Well, hold the front and back door, because that’s exactly what we have for you. Everything you need (and then some) all in one super-speedy place

Behold, the RapidTeam.

First up in the RapidTeam, it’s the firm favourite, the OG of milk prep, the RapidCool. Now you’ll no doubt already be familiar with this nifty little number, 1 in 4 parents already own one for starters, but this little piece of wizardry is going to cool boiling water down to drinkable-by-baby temperature (to NHS Guidelines) in less than 2 minutes*. And you can use it anywhere, and we mean anywhere.

How are you going to keep your RapidCool sterilised after use though, we hear you ask? In fact, you literally did ask that, which is exactly why we set our product technicians about solving that little issue for you…an issue that is no more thanks to the second RapidTeam member, the RapidSterilise. Fitting neatly between the RapidCool and its lid to provide bidirectional sterilising, this harnesses the antibacterial power of UV to sterilise your RapidCool from top to bottom in just 1 minute. No more messing around with cold water sterilisation and fizzy tablets, just pop it on, press the button and let it work its magic.

Now, this is all well and good, but the real elephant in the room here is actually not an elephant at all, it’s that veritable sloth in the corner, the kettle. Enter the final member of the RapidTeam, the RapidHot. With the RapidHot now on your team, you can leave the crusty ol’ kettle in the dark ages and start getting instant, filtered, hot water – and to the exact feed size you need – before you could even fill a kettle, let alone boil one.

All of this now means you can turn that whole painful race against time into a fun run, with Nuby RapidTeam, for the perfect formula feed in as little as 2 minutes*