WE’RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY! I cannot believe that in our last Nuby Blog, which was in January, I spoke about us having another baby in the future if we were lucky enough and little did we know, I was already carrying baby number two! This is a super exciting time for us and we cannot wait to see our little Hugo, just turned two, become a big brother.
New baby, means all things new right? I feel confident this time around what to not waste our money on and what we definitely couldn’t live without, so I wanted to create this blog piece to share with you my baby best buys from Nuby as the majority of our newborn essentials with Hugo were from Nuby.
First up, we chose Nuby bottles, to be totally honest as a first time mum I had no idea which brand to go with, whether they needed to be anti colic - how did I know if my baby would suffer with colic or not? Which shape teat to go for? All these questions I was clueless on honestly, it was a minefield! I remember going into Boots with my mum and seeing the most gorgeous pack of bottles, they were unisex which was perfect as we didn’t find out the gender and even came with free soothers and a little monkey comforter which you could attach the dummy too - winner haha! They were on offer and my mum said “if they’re the ones you like, then they’re the ones you’ll have”, she put a couple of boxes in her basket and that was that, bottle decision made! I remember the box saying that over 99% of newborns latched onto their teats so that was my go ahead really!
Talking of offers, a little insight to me, my Instagram followers know me well for my bargain finds and they use a hashtag #molsbargs to share what bargains they find. I then share the bargain finds with the rest of my followers. It’s such a great thing really because as parents, we need all of the bargains we can get when there’s so much to always be buying!
Next Nuby must-have was the backpack, we actually trialled both backpacks which Nuby sell and they were equally amazing. So strong and sturdy, with so many pockets and compartments inside to keep everything easily accessible - a must with a newborn! My partner loved having a backpack. It was so convenient and stylish for him too. I actually purchased the matching changing bag to my stroller originally, it cost me £85 and we used it for just a matter of weeks. I bought it because it matched the pram but it wasn’t practical, it wouldn’t fit everything in and with just one open space all of the contents would just get jumbled. It’s safe to say, we’ll never see that £85 again, oops.
A Nuby blanket was a must-have for us too, such gorgeous designs and were so warm for Hugo. Definitely one thing we were always complimented on!
Since Hugo was a newborn, Nuby have really developed their baby range and the products available. I’m so excited to be able to use some of their new Penguin range with the new baby. Also the double breast pump I’m excited to use this time around as with Hugo I solely formula fed! As for all the favourite products I used with Hugo, I'll definitely be using them again!
Thank you so much for reading x

*All of the opinions and recommendations of Mollie are her own based on her own personal experiences.