Another day, another distressing reflux story, but one I’m pleased to say we had an incredibly positive outcome with in just four days!
A few weeks ago, I had this come through on my online booking form from Harpers mum; “Harper is on infant Gaviscon added to comfort milk (2 sachets) and Infacol) have been solely breastfeeding but in the process of transitioning each feed to bottle. During the day I now give 3 feeds as bottles, using Apatamil comfort formula. I try and be strict during the day to 5 feeds but in the evening it's pretty much demand feeding on the breast. Harper has never slept on her own and cries when you try to put her down even after the cot is inclined, is able to sleep on me or sideways in my bed breastfeeding during the night. After giving her a bath in the evening it is near impossible to settle her to sleep and she cries a lot. Once asleep she squirms and wriggles a lot at night and wakes up multiple times and feeds on the breast constantly. I often hear her stomach making noises and regurgitation which then goes back down. Other symptoms include, frequent hiccups, rigid stomach, white tongue, frequently on and off breast at night, and hand in her mouth. From birth to 6 weeks she used to cry inconsolably nonstop from evening to 1-2am. She also only drinks from 1-3oz of comfort milk.”

Fast forward to my visit and after a few initial phone calls Harper has finally been prescribed Neocate and Omeprazole. However, she wouldn’t take more than 2 to 3 ounces max each bottle and continued to crave the breast all through the night and never slept.
With a bit of Fairy Magic, treating her oral thrush, adding some Instant Carobel, using the Nuby Reduce Reflux bottles, reassurance sleep training, four set day feeds and putting her in her own cot..... Harper now drinks 5 to 7 ounces four times a day, sleeps through the night and happily takes 3 daytime naps.

No baby is the same! It’s true and you hear it all the time. But no baby should ever be left to suffer either and parents shouldn’t be dismissed when reflux problems can be addressed with some time and patience. Beautiful Harper’s parents are just so relieved that it’s not something they’ve done wrong that’s causing their babies discomfort and I’m so happy to be able to spend each day helping babies and their parents.
Alison Scott-Wright is a Mum and Grandmother with a love of babies and a sixth sense when it comes to understanding them.
Author of ‘The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan’, Alison is in demand with many parents offering home visits, telephone consultations, group visits and much more. You can find out more over at You can also follow her on Facebook @MagicSleepFairy, Twitter @babysleepexpert and Instagram @magic_sleep_fairy

*All of these responses are those of Alison Scott Wright and her own experiences and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organisation, employer or company.