10 Baby Travel Bag Essentials

When you are expecting, you suddenly have a very long list of things you are going to need. It is pretty crazy the amount that is needed for such a tiny human being, but you will soon find yourself getting prepared and buying all the essentials.

So I am here to help you tick off your list all those things that are handy, which firstly starts with a decent travel change bag and essential extras.

I haven't even used this bag yet, and I am already so impressed. If I saw it on a shop shelf, it would definitely be something I would go for. Firstly I love how stylish it is. They grey is such a lovely colour, and also unisex, perfect for if you're having a boy or girl and perfect for either a male or female to carry. Plus I love the little brown leather looking tags that are on all the zips, it really does help add that extra bit of style.

Next I love that it is a backpack, I have never been a handbag sort of girl and so something I can wear on my back makes me much happier. The straps on it are so plush and so so comfortable to wear and also the back of it is very padded so it is comfortable on your back. 

The next part is probably one of the most important parts, the storage. This bag is a little like a tardis with its space and the amount of space inside is unreal. It looks like you can fit a lot inside. Plus there are so many little compartments which I love. I love being organised and so having a special place for everything is important to me. Some of the compartments are zipped and some are with stretchy tops which are easily accessible. Plus there are 2 zipped compartments on the front and 2 compartments on the side for bottles. You are spoilt for choice for compartments with this bag. 


Plus there is one at the back that at first I didn't notice, which is an opening for you to keep your changing mat, which you won't need to buy as the bag already comes with it already in its storage area. I think it's a very clever design with the way they have made space for the mat.

Last but not least I love that the bag is fully sealed up, making it perfect for all weather. Plus it is easily wipeable meaning that you can keep it nice and clean. 

So, now you need to think about all the things you can put inside the bag, and so I have made a list for you. 

1. Nappies and Wipes 

The obvious, and number one thing needed. Pack quite a few as you never know what you may need.

2. Muslin Cloths 

I found these so helpful when it came to cleaning up after baby, dribbles, milk leaks, spitt up, they are always needed for on the go. 

3. Bibs 

Nuby do an amazing selection of bibs and I was sent a set of 2 which would go nicely into my bag. These super soft organic bibs are perfect for feeding as the thick top is great for catching milk dribbles and is also soft around the neck. Plus the designs are super cute for boy or girl baby. You again go through quite a few of these so packing plenty is a must. 

4. Change of Clothing

It is crazy at first how many times you need to change a babies clothing due to nappy leaks, or baby spitt up and then when they get older messy food accidents. Spare clothes is always handy. 

5. Dummies 

Spare dummies are a must for a bag and Nuby have a great selection of dummies. In fact I used Nuby dummies for Lily she was a baby. These dummies are for 0-6 months and the nubs are perfect for a breast like feel making them great to use alongside breastfeeding. They also come in a plastic tub which is re usable after opening meaning that they aren't loose in the travel bag. 

6. Baby Bottles / Breast Feeding Pads

Whether you'reusing Breast or Bottle your going to need to pack extra pads for breast feeding leakages and bottles of milk for feeding.

7. Thermometer 

Having a digital thermometer is a great idea for the travel bag as you never know when you may need it. Nuby's thermometer is perfect for a quick reading, you can use it in the mouth or under the arm and with its slim design its perfect for on the go. It also has a protective cover so then it does not get dirty while sat inside the baby bag. 

8. Baby Toys

Always great for helping keep baby entertained. 

9. Baby Creams 

Essential for making sure that your baby doesn't get any nasty nappy rashes. 

10. Baby Travel Mat

If you did want to buy a travel mat that had a little more to it than the ones that come with travel bags then Nuby do an amazing one. This one folds up nicely to fit into a travel bag and comes with a very cute design on it. When it folds out it is massive and also has storage compartments which can hold your nappies and other things you may need. It is lovely and comfortable for your baby to lay on and is fully wipeable. You can also zip the matt away from the storage compartment if need be. This changing mat also comes with a storage tub which you can keep your wet wipes in or whatever else you can think of to put in there. I am actually thinking of using this for when I have used wet wipes to wipe babies mouth and there are no bins around, I ended up with so many loose used wet wipes in my bag making it a mess.

About the author: Cassie is mummy to Lily and you can follow her family life through @lilyslittlelearners and read more of her blogs on www.lilyslittlelearners.com

The opinions expressed by Cassie are her own and based on her own experiences. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any agency, organisation, employer or company.
